Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saint for the day

                                                                   Bd.  Ulrika Nisch

                         "The spirit is occupied with God; work is sanctified through union with God."

Interesting non saintly fact learned :

Pictures can be deceiving ....

Saintly Observation :   

Take a look at our saint for today's picture . How do you imagine her , now be honest, what words come to mind?

Stern  maybe
Morose  it appears
Boring  without a doubt

   Now this is why pictures are deceiving at times . Bd. Ulrika Nisch was by all accounts none of these things .She was a young , happy women who though suffering setbacks in her life ( sickness etc ) still enjoyed life .This is wat I love about the saints , they teach us so many things some things we should already know. We have all heard the saying  " dont judge a book by its cover " well here with this saint I ahve come to a greater appreceation of that truth .

    She only lived to the age of 30 and like another more famous saint " the Little flower " she made what appeared to be little impact upon those who lived with her .

   Her time was mainly spent in the kitchen , preparing meals , washing dishes , doing mundane jobs , a life that  many would consider filled with things that are unable to to bring about a saint . But like the more famous Brother Lawrence  she knew the secret of how to turn the everyday aspects of life into opportunity for growth in Holiness and Union with God .

    She was a secret gem only to be revealed  later to the world after her death . Soon after her leave to go home to her Heavenly Father ,this "little sister" would quickly become well renowned , with reports spreading of great miracles occurring due to her intercession .In 1987 she was Declared a Blessed by Blessed John Paul II.

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